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Historical Memory: The Singapore Story

"To live well in the present, we need to know the past and have a sense of the future” Former Education Minister Heng Swee Kiat Through...

Public Diplomacy: Making Friends

"What is soft power?... It arises from the attractiveness of a country's culture, political ideals and policy." Joseph S. Nye Jr. When I...

Foreign Policy: Poison Shrimp

"We must make ourselves relevant so that other countries have an interest in our continued survival and prosperity as a sovereign and...

Political Economy: Kiasu

"... We need to think and act like revolutionaries… We need Singaporeans who can lead the way in creating new wealth for our economy” Goh...

Singapore and Australia: Jobs and Growth

"Singapore is different enough to feel fascinating, but familiar enough to feel that it is home" Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm...

Democracy: By the people?

"The system must enable a high quality government that is accountable, honest, competent, and effective" Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee...

The Media: National Dialogue

“Freedom of the press... must be subordinated to the overriding needs of the integrity of Singapore, and to the primacy of purpose of an...

Citizenship: A Global City

"You know the Singaporean. He is a hard-working, industrious, rugged individual. Or we would not have made the grade." Lee Kuan Yew...

Environment: The Garden City

“If a garden is well maintained and neatly landscaped, there must be a dedicated and efficient gardener” Lee Kuan Yew Just as envisioned...

The Future: Majulah Singapura

"We intend to see that Singapore will be here in 1000 years. That is your duty and mine." Lee Kuan Yew In Singapore’s quest to remain a...

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